Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Back from Roma (Vatican City), Napoli, Pisa, Firenze and Pompei, which I did with my Dad. He's left now :( But Daniel's here and we leave tonight on a 4.43 am train (euggh) for Prague and then Vienna. So not much blogging for a little while more. Rome was good, except I think I'm over ancient ruins for the moment, St Peter's Basilica in Vatican city was amazing. Naples was crazy, I felt like I was in Thailand? It was so hot and there were people and cars and bikes and buses everywhere, but I ate the best pizza ever (yes, very cliche; from the Eat Pray Love Pizzeria - Da Michele's). I also did a day trip from Naples to Pompeii, which I've been wanting to do for a while since I studied it for my final exams in high school for Ancient History. I understand its not everyone's cup of tea, it was draining, endless streets, old buildings everywhere, but I think because I had a lot of knowledge I found it fascinating. I went back to Florence as well, which holds my favourite building in all of Italy so far - the Duomo, it never ceases to blow me away. If you ever get the chance to climb the dome on top - you must do it!! We also did a day trip from Florence to Pisa; it doesn't show the full effect from my photos - but that Tower is leaning....really leaning, I have no idea how it is standing. When I climbed it, the instant I walked in, I felt off balance. Here are some shots from Florence & Pisa.

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