Sunday, December 23, 2012

Inspiring Me Now: December

It has been a month of madness being a retail slave. It is probably the most paid work I've ever done in my life - I'm used to being a slave for free (internships). It has also forced me to be creative with what little free time I have. It is like a deadline in itself and I always need a deadline to get anything done. These are some examples of what I've been working on this month - none of it is finished and these are all crappy print screens

1. Physical Filters
Distortion through physical materials or effects. I've experimented so much with Photoshop filters that it is about time I took a cue from fashion and experimented with different translucent materials and/or make-up as a means of obscuring or affecting a photograph.

2. Suspension
I think I have been obsessed with the concept of levitation, suspension or anti-gravity ever since I saw the following Bill Henson photograph back in 2005 (she's actually lying down on a car from memory - besides the point). There's something about transcending physical boundaries that is always going to play to my curiosity. Images via Sam Taylor Wood, Bill Henson & Vein & Vapid tumblr.

Really love how the point of impact sits along the magazine crease! Medium meets Concept.

Sam Taylor-Wood

3. Être Un Garçon
My regular love affair with looking like a bad-ass in photographs. I'm extremely jealous of that piercing masculine nonchalance that boys are born with by the gift of higher testosterone levels. When photographs can transform a woman/girl to hold such nonchalant power I think the effect is 10 fold more alluring because there is always overtones of sexual femininity that are being hidden or ignored, but you know that they're still there all the while - does that even make sense? Images via & Vain and Vapid tumblr.

4. I Hate This
I got a Pinterest - in the end it just made sense to organise everything. I resent it so much as I want to minimise my online presence/reliance - but screw it! You can find me here. (It hasn't got much yet).

PS Enjoy this silly season xx.

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