Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Lush of Suburbia.

Oh you know - just wondering why the HELL I have not discovered this photographer sooner? He is also apparently quite well known. The lighting, scenes of suburbia and deep forest lush is exactly what I like in photography... better late than never.

Some of you may have felt those moments, I know I have. Where you are staring into space, during twilight or under moon light.  Whether it be sitting on the bed, on the front balcony, in the street etc. There is something about these photographs that communicates these immersions. The surrealism of feeling such transcendence in suburbia and the juxtaposition of it all.

Upon reading about him a bit more - these photographs are extremely stylised. The interior ones are on entirely constructed sets with huge staff teams. Perhaps that is why I never feature humans in my own work - there is something very staged when you do that. 

I discovered Gregory Crewdson when reading an interview with Lars Von Trier about Melancholia. The interviewer compares stills from the film to some of Crewdson's photography - and I see the resemblance. However to be perfectly honest - I much MUCH prefer stills from Melancholia, I basically worship that film.

Images from all over google, interview with Von Trier here.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Like a Car Crash

I find these images utterly terrifying.. I actually question myself for blogging them because freak me out so much. I guess the photographs are just very interesting because they give a glimpse into something I'd never want to see this in real life - completely voyeuristic. They are also the epitomy of something that would inspire a whole body of work for me - no freaking pun intended! 

"Lucinda Devlin - Corporal Arenas (1982-91)

Devlin’s always been one of my favorite photographers. What’s ironic about the titleCorporal Arenas and what’s powerful about this series on the whole (at least to me) is that the corporal subjects are missing, as in her Omega Suites.

These are places of close observation. It isn’t hard to imagine what goes on in them. Bodies are handled, hosed down with water, probed with X-rays, operated on and subjected to autopsy. They’re places we’d rather avoid being drawn into, even through the lens of a camera, and it’s the stark emptiness of the rooms that draws us in a little too close for comfort, making them all the more corporal.
1. Colon Therapy Room,The Homestead Spa, Hot Springs, Virginia
2. Morgue, Outlook Hospital, Summit, New Jersey
3. Classroom, Simmons Mortuary Science School, Syracuse, New York
4. Gross Anatomy Lab, University of California
5. Small Animal Surgery, Veterinary School, University of Ohio
6. Scotch Bath, The Homestead Spa, Hot Springs, Virginia "

Lucinda Devlin - The Omega Suites (1991-98)
“In 1991, Lucinda Devlin began photographing penitentiaries across the United States with the permission and cooperation of local authorities. She entitled the resulting series, completed in 1998, The Omega Suites, — alluding to the final letter of the Greek alphabet as a metaphor for the finality of execution.
Working with a Hasselblad camera and long exposures in existing light, Devlin captured striking images of the architectural spaces in penitentiaries. Viewers are often drawn to her compositions and then repelled by the reality of the subject. The carefully composed and clinically sterile images are as objective as our preconceptions allow.”

As taken from

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Seek Movement in Stillness

Crooks transgresses the laws of physics to look at non-linear representations of time in his video work. He allows a mind's eye view on physicality and the movement within an particular focussed environment.

Amazing work - I really recommend you watch the video if you are at all intrigued. Crooks is really inspiring to me, he also seems pretty genuine- bonus! I'd like to spin his concept on it's head of 'Seek Stillness in Movement' to 'Seek Movement in Stillness' for a photographic series.

Image via the 17 Biennale of Sydney.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March IMN

The constant demand to be creative at university has meant my want and need to blog about inspiring things has greatly suffered. There is nothing fun about inspiration when it is forced. I went to the Art Gallery of NSW to look for inspiration for a project today, and whilst enjoyable there was the constant nagging feeling that I had work to get on top of.  In an attempt to jot down the things I've encountered recently before their glisten fades under the amount of work I have - I've allowed myself time to do a blog post.

1. Say My Name
An excellent good vibes dancey cover of 'Say My Name' by Destiny's Child that I heard on the radio this morning.

2.  Wud by Alexander Binder et al.

The Dwellings by Ellie Davies

Svart Metal by Grant Willing

This sounds like everything I love about photography in a book. It was featured in Dazed & Confused magazine and they said " if you're... just really into haunting pictures of leaves and bark and moss, Wud is just the ticket". If you have seen any of my photography work, you will know I am definitely into this!  Tangerine Press is doing a limited run of Wud. They are hand bound photography books that feature moody takes on a walk in fictional woods. "It's got all the fun of a spooky and attractive forest-bound nightmare and is as beautifully produced as they come". Yum!

3. 'Green Room' by Kyung Woo Han.

I would love to tell you why I like this installation, but I can't... I don't know why. Maybe it is the clinical-ness versus the floating ethereal aspect that gets me? No idea. Beautiful. Created through paint, clear wire and furniture.

4. Glitch Furniture.

There is some controversy over whether this is real - I really really really hope it is. I loooooveeeeee Glitch Art like no tomorrow. Good Vibrations Storage Unit is a cabinet designed by the architect Ferruccio Laviani to look like a distorted glitch image. I want it, so bad. I can only imagine the price, but it would be worth it.

Images via This Is Colossal and My Modern Met .

Monday, March 18, 2013

If I Recover.

Colosso dell’Appennino, 1580
Sculptor: Giambologna (1529-1608)

Villa Demidoff  Park, Tuscany, Italy

Megan Howland

Stefan Sagmeister
‎People speak sometimes about the ‘bestial’ cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel.
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I've really wanted to do some empty bed photographs for a while now - in my mind they'd be very austere and nostalgic. However being the editing fiend that I am, I ended up editing the crap out of it  - the result being the top image. I think it is going to provide the foundation for some neat typography over the top! 

Both photographs by Alyssa Anaimugan.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Almost Monochrome

I've put in place a non-shopping rule on myself until I leave for Japan in a month. It looks like I would of been buying a lot of monochrome.

Images via We The People, Texurism, and They All Hate Us.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Yes, I believe in ghosts, but we create them. We haunt ourselves.
— Laurie Halse Anderson

Green Dots and Straight Lines, 2012 - Patrick Cremin

Liz Orton

Think disorientating text and marble effects reminiscent of old book interiors - dismembered hands!

Hands I, II, and III 
by John Opera [2012]
Arianna Palazzi

Images via and My Modern Met Blog